Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I saw a couple today

Coming back from lunch today I saw something cute from my car while at a red light.
A boy and girl (highschoolers?) were walking down the sidewalk away from me. I thought, "They're walking so close...shouldn't they be holding hands?" When sure enough, the boy, who was a head taller than her, looked up into her face hopefully, and put his arm around her shoulders. She didn't miss a beat in her walking but she brought up her hand to his. He seemed so happy about this that he leaned down and kissed her. I mean, from where I was, I can only guess he kissed her, he kinda smushed his face into hers as they walked, drawing her close with his arm around her shoulder..

After that, he reached down and they held hands. And the light turned green. But before I drove away I saw them swinging their entwined hands like children and even from where I was I could tell- that guy was crazy about that girl. I don't know how she felt about him really- she's playing it cool. But even from behind I swear I could see his goofy grin and hear him thinking how lucky he was to have this hot girl on his arm. It's like he'd been thinking about her for a long time and finally she was his.

Honestly, it was only a few seconds, and I had a lot of other much more important things happen to me today. but that moment, for some reason, really stood out to me. I hope I don't forget it. And I hope that girl knows how lucky she is too.

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