Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Proper places and Bread

This is my attempt to start posting on anything other than the three most common topics- Work, relationships, and hair.

And hopefully we can stay far away from anything like "I'm exhausted again" or "The weather has been so cold" or even "I hate food". I don't know how common that is, but for me I should probably stop mentioning it.

I have run into that issue often as of late. that I'm spending a lot of energy remembering how to talk to each person. Everyone has topics their comfortable with, slang and jargon that they recognize, and levels of comfort with things. some people I never talk to about dating at all because it just gets us into a fight. Some people, that's all they want to talk about. I can't mention my anime obsession to some people, and other I can safely bring up new clips like P**** and S******* without creeping them out.

But with my limited working memory, it's getting harder and hard to draw the line. Suddenly I'll be with someone who is SHOCKED to hear I could ever be that dirty. It's no news to me- I spend a lot of time with myself. I forgot that they are not quite as acquainted with me. and that's fine. I just want to know. Or something.

changing subjects:
You know, when I changed my diet and started buying bread, I saved the heels. This is because *** requested once that we go feed the ducks sometime. So I've been saving them ever since. But we never went, and now we never will. So I have a pile of bags in my fridge now that are all full of the heels of bread I saved. and I'm not a great cook... so I don't know what to do with them exactly. I still want to feed ducks I suppose. Which means I should throw them all out and stop this habit of keeping them around. I need more reminiscing like I need a hole in the head.

...I need a gun to my face like I need another hole in my head. lol

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