Tuesday, December 7, 2010


What do you do when you know the answer but you still feel or act another way? Is it because you don’t really believe it? Or don’t want to?

You do realize that your favorite sang is full of ‘ohhh oohhhhhhh ooooooohhh baby ooooooaaaahhahh! Yeah yeah yeah.’ Less than inspiring lyrics…

Strange compliment- I gave Howard a good name for a position but another recruiter submitted the same person two days earlier. At least I know I’m looking in the right places…

The sites I visit the most are not in my favorites…

I was forced to avert my eyes last night from PDA and in doing so, I was forced to speak to a guy eating chipotle. It wasn’t the food that was so disconcerting about him though. It was that he treated me like a threat. As though I was sizing him up him for my own dating hunt and it was his job to let me know that he was not on the menu. It’s like I can’t even make males friends anymore without being regarded as a marriage hungry beast.
But the thing that made me throw my hands up in frustration was when I asked him how old he was and he looked me dead in the eye and said, “Well THAT’S a rather rude question.”
I told him (tactfully of course,) to man up and own his age, that it wasn’t anything to be ashamed of, and I thought it was discourteous to assume I meant anything outside of curiosity. And the reason I did want to know was because I wanted to get a feel on how old I should be when getting my MBA- like him.
He plainly told me it was similar to asking a woman for her weight. I heartily laughed and soon removed myself from his presence. Thank heaven the PDA couple was gone by then.

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