Monday, October 18, 2010

Venus Di Milo

Snip snip snip cut me out of your life one bit at a time.

I spent the majority of the weekend alone. For the last month I’ve been trying to keep as busy as possible so my brain didn’t think about…uh, stuff. And make me depressed and lonely- too busy for that silly girly stuff. But this weekend I had nothing. Or rather, I was invited to several parties but I opted not to go. On Friday a friend came over and we talked and ate brownies until I fell asleep on the couch. But Saturday I spent at home, sewing, cleaning, whatever. It was pleasant. Watching movies, my mind didn’t wander too far into any danger zones. For dinner I went out and picked up an order of Chinese food which was REALLY good. Maybe because I was starving. But anyway, I brought it home and ate it pleasantly on my bed as I went back to sewing.

Sunday was pretty productive too. Again, I was supposed to go to a potluck but I opted out in favor of staying secluded for a while longer. But you know how when your home alone and you know no one is going to see you so you suddenly don’t care about your appearance so long as your comfortable? For some people that means sweats or running around nude. Well, for me- that means layers. A green dress I wore to church, mismatched ankle socks, tartan blanket, black sweater, and my grey fedora because my head was cold.

But when I went to sleep last night, it was the strangest thing. I guess all this alone time played with my head- I got undressed for bed, and not dressed again. I ended up sleeping, quite consciously, Venus Di Milo style- in just my slip. Never done that before. While cold (I normally like to sleep bundled up so as to pretend I’m not alone), it felt different and slightly sexy. (Not sure if it was a good feeling or not, having no one to appreciate it but me, lol) I couldn’t do it all the time, but it was a strange end to a very quiet weekend. I think I should just be proud I didn’t get depressed. Wow that sounds pathetic.

…I brought an egg to work today…

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