Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday at Work

Ok, there are a lot of reasons I can’t complain. I recognize most of them. But this is my blog and I can write about what I want.

It wouldn’t be so bad if I was making some commission. But the way this retarded system works, after getting an order, it may take months to fill it. And then once we do find the perfect match, it takes 2 weeks for them to start the new job (at least (that’s sans relo)) plus 90 days the candidate has to stay in the job to guarantee the job is secure. After that it could be another month before I see any monetary commissions.

Today, another strong candidate who was out only pick for a job in SanFran told us he was waiting on another gig to come through- and it did. So after all this time finagling and searching and putting him through the tireless interview process across the country, he had been stringing us along.

I have to restart this whole process again. And I’m still not getting paid for it. This kind of thing is stretching my nerves that no spa day can cure.

“We need to improve our system!”
“You’ve been saying that for YEARS Howard! I told you how to do it, you just don’t want to put the time into it! and frankly, neither do I.”
“But we have to talk about this! It’s a really big issue because of XY-”
“-and Z!!! I’ve been telling you that forever!”

Then I open up my docket of items to attach (a stupid process) and there is 50x the number of documents as there should be. WTH?! Where did these come from?! So I spent my afternoon on the phone with a nice IT guy (who calls me ‘lady’ because he thinks I’m fanceh) discussing possible issues with the new system. Naturally, it’s because of something Howard has been doing. He was given a new tool to play with that he thinks is a fun and efficient and hell- now it’s ruining my life cause no one taught him how to use it properly. Making the fun new tool totally moot.

But I get to fix it none the less.

I can’t get out of this job- the office is too small. The slightest movement away and Howard will smell danger. And the truth is, I don’t know if he can replace me. Well, at least not my tech knowledge. The rest of the stuff can be learned and some fresh faced idiot might jump at the chance.

But then, where would I go? Throw myself into the working field again where I wasn’t wanted to begin with? What would I do? More than I am right now? It might take time away from animaid. Less than I am right now? Maybe that would keep me from making enough money to support myself, from progressing in my career, or lose out on the potential for commission here. All these freaking unknowns.

All I know is that, although I love the slight change in today’s routine, I’m annoyed I’m still here. I need a change.

I know I know. I can’t complain. It’s my blog dang it!!!

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