Saturday, June 8, 2013


It's 4am but I wanted to document this for posterity.

I just got home from watching LotR TT with Alex, Stephen, Jason, Mike, Jared, and David. I knew I didn't want to be tired the next day so I set to work falling asleep around the second disk. I managed to drift off but wasn't really asleep near the end. I was awake enough to notice he took his outer shirt off and draped it over me like a blanket (until someone offered a real one).

But here is how I know he loves me. I overheard Mike offer his newly purchased japanese candy to everyone. Alex said he'd take one. Mike encouraged, take more, take as many as you want, have 10! But he insisted, just one, just one, one is fine, I only want one.

 Half an hour later and we are dropping off the last person other than me at home. As soon as he is out of sight, Alex reaches into his pocket and pulls out the candy. It's the one he had asked for earlier. It's the same kind I dropped by accident earlier onto the street and had to throw away. He unwraps it and gives it to me. I was in the middle of my sentance and i stopped when I saw what it was.

Alex is a lot of good things, but I'd like to add to that list one of the most genuinely integral thoughtful men I've ever met. No exaggeration. I know it's a very small thing, but I was a twinge sad when I dropped it. I didn't say anything or even look sad, but all night he must have remembered it and made this plan for me. That small gift... was one of the best. And it's those kinds things that I really can't explain when people ask me about him. I really am lucky.

Monday, June 3, 2013

A Rat's Fart

My cousin is pissing me off.

She's 22 and couldn't give a rat's fart what the people who love and care about her think. She was a troubled girl born without an iota of empathy. She pretended to be suicidal and put her family through years of agony. In the end, she wasn't a danger to herself- she's a selfish brat.

I could go on outlining a number of examples of the stupid things she's said and done. Not to mention the numerous things she's posted on facebook that make me want to slam her faux pink haired head into a concrete wall. Tonight is no exception.

Lindsey (My cuz): Organized religion is modern day brainwash.
Ok, already I'm ticked off. What a...

John (I'm guessing he's her paternal uncle):  Thanks for basically saying a lot if your family and loved ones are idiots
Casey: Since when has organized religion been modern? And really rude, shortsighted, and alienating Lindsey.
Aiden (Her increasingly stupid little brother): I'd say 1830 is relatively modern.
I take a deep breath. Don't even try to mention Christianity because it bounces off black-hole brains.
Casey: To my understanding, there has been organized religion since the first literate societies such Egyptians (3150 BC) , Mesopotamians (3100 BC) who recorded their practices... Huh. Perhaps we have different understanding of the word 'organized'. You might want to explain that to Buddhists and Taoism whose first writings were produced on bamboo in the 3rd century... Pretty sure the Qur'an is dated back to 650AD... Oh, and Sumerians from 2900 BC.... Although I'm sure they're a little long gone to hear you. So hey, Facebook is probably the safest place to say it!
Aiden: Well, Lindsey is probably showing that it's goofy we still follow those religions seeing as how people believed in dragons and witches back then. 
Good grief, if you're going to insult humanity's faith. then at least know what they believed in. 
John: Organized religion has been around a long time. Regardless, and back to Aiden's comment, sure, people should question it, think about it and test it. I'm all about free speech and expressing yourself, but the broad generalization here may rub some people that love and care about you the wrong way. Just sayin...
I had faith in you John for a moment. But you backed off like a wuss. You must be unfamiliar with her antics and think this is just the fluke of a young person instead of a fully developed snot. Trust me, I'm far beyond the slap on the wrist technique. If she's willing to swing the door open for abuse, then I'm not going to let such a distasteful comment exist unchallenged. 
Casey: You're so right Aiden! It's just amazing how Lindsey in her 20 some odd years on Earth has unveiled the ridiculous hoax that has plagued billions of people since it's beginning some 500,000 years ago. Silly me.
An hour goes by and no one has said anything. Not even a like to my comments which is sad. But Damage done. I started to write this thinking it was over, but little brainless doesn't know when to quit. 
Aiden: In summation, nobody knows anything for sure, so we shouldn't make generalizations. Let's all just be nice! (<- agnostic="" my="" span="" view.="">
....Okay, I feel like I'm being trolled by stupidity. But I know from experience it's real. All too real... I prepare one last comment...
Casey: Personally, there are certainly things I know for sure and I can comfortably respect well-thought out opinions, studies, and personal experiences that differ from my own. But being willing to stand up for those things, I can't abide by lame blanket assertions that insult swaths of humanity living and dead. It's not just about being nice, it's about giving the smallest amount of respect for another human being and their core fundamental belief.
If you can believe it, I 'niced' that up by not using phrases like "give a rat's fart".  Ah, another reply comes in... 
Diane: I suppose it depends on your definition of brainwash...?
...I don't even.......