Thursday, April 11, 2013

Service For Goodness Sake

Not that many people are, but I’m not a good person. I can go weeks without seeing any of my friends and be pretty content. I’m a poor weather friend so when someone is in need, I’m right there. A few weeks ago I saw Alli in the Valley. It was really random to run into each other half way across town. But as we caught up I could tell she was close to tears because of her recent break up. I promised I would take her out the dinner the following week. I told her joke to make her smile and I hugged her tightly before she left to let her know that she was special to me. And she is. But I can’t get myself to call her up casually to chat or join anyone at Café 50’s after FHE.

Velwyn has been living in Europe for the past few months. I still stalk her instagram and comment on her new business profile to give it a boost. But I didn’t feel comfortable when she was here to go out for tea alone just for kicks. I did offer to let her stay on my couch however for an interview she’s got next week. She’s the kind of wonderful girl who has friends everywhere but goes through life not thinking about it too much. I wish I was so brave.

But I’m not. I’ll do what service I can do but when it comes down to it- I can’t be myself. Except for Hawaii 2 years ago, I don’t think I’ve ever taken a vacation. Even during summer breaks any time there was anyone else in the room, there wasn’t a moment where I didn’t feel like I shouldn’t be doing something.

You know, when we were kids our mom came home once from shopping and started to yell at us because all the time she had been gone we didn’t think to do the dishes for her. From that point on, every time she left the house my brothers and I would clean it. I mean, clean it the best a 15, 11, and 9 year old knew how. The first time we tried to make it a surprise. The second time, we casually mentioned it to her. I remember thinking she looked a little uncomfortable with how dedicated we had become. The many times after that, we didn’t say anything at all and she didn’t either. We just did it. When she was in the house it was a little like the CEO had come for a visit and we always needed to look like we were busy. She got disappointed once when we went to the library and I picked “Murder, She Wrote” because it was too easy.

I don’t mean to tell that story to draw sympathy or excuse myself from being a self-serving person. Being afraid is really no excuse at all for selfishness- in fact it almost makes it worse. Then any kindness I do give can be interpreted as a desire to feel like I’m being a good person instead of really wanting to buoy the other person up (ironically, another characteristic of my mother). The fact that I am selfish in a different way than other people doesn’t change the fact at all.

Taking this too far, one could say that appearing happy too is then a façade instead of a harmless social obligation.

I might have taken a double dose of my medication today but I don’t remember. I feel my head warbling on my neck like all the fat from my body got stored in my skull and the top heavy crowding is keep blood from flowing to the cells that tell me I’m not a monster in a girl’s body.