Tuesday, January 22, 2013

GIS v.s. Asia

*warning- this get's pretty long...*

I shouldn’t complain. But my job is frustrating me. Not that I blame any one particular person and maybe I’m just getting rubbed the wrong way by working for ‘the man’.

They’ve asked me to take on more responsibility for the digital side of the company which I would gladly do and I’ve been preparing to do, but I can’t with all these stupid assignments being thrown on top of the pile.

Yesterday, by noon my legs were killing me because I had to get up from my desk so many times to help people with their computer issues. I had to run to the back server room and crouch under desks and fiddling with boxes and wiring. I hate hardware.

You know, I don’t really feel like typing all this out even. This kind of problem is so much easier to express via voice. I feel like I have to outline all the problems in a list in order to justify my frustration and that would take so long. And I’m not really in the mood to come up with an elegant reader’s digest version. So I’m just going to pretend that everyone works with me already and knows what I’m talking about.

Last night around 5:30 Bill called to ask me to re-run an MMA report for the DMA but include more Index numbers based on nursing homes and all the zips in each NTA. Not really a big deal. But in order to help him along, I also sent him a copy of the Zip Dwelling  Report which breaks down each NTA into zipcodes and tells you the total number and the % of the entire mailed area. You’d think that was going above and beyond. Apparently not.

Katherine asked me to submit a request to GIS to give them not only that information for 4 ADDITIONAL areas but also recreate LA because that Zip dwelling report was generated by a different research company and she wants all 5 areas to MATCH when we show it to the client. So now I’ve got to submit this ridiculously overblown request to GIS and here’s the rub- I don’t actually hear about this report after I submit the request. I’m just doing the stupid donkey-ass labor to get it in. Why am I doing this? This really shouldn’t be my job when THEY are the ones who want it and they have all the same abilities I do to complete it! It would take them less time and it’s their project! But they don’t want to do the leg work. It’s hard to ‘rise to [my] potential’ with stupid backhanded requests like this.

I have ONE assignment to do yesterday and all I could manage was bouncing up and down fixing this and that. Anthony was dumb enough, he *saw* me running around like a crazy person and decided that was the moment to throw on another complaint. His phone wasn’t ringing. This wasn’t a new problem, it had been happening since he got the phone, he just thought RIGHT NOW would be the perfect time to complain about it. So I GET UP from my desk AGAIN so I can’t finish this one little project I’ve had on my desk since that morning. Guess what? It took me 3 seconds to figure out the volume on his ringer was down. It’s not even a complicated process, there’s a freakn’ BUTTON of the FRONT of the phone where if you push it one way or another, the volume goes up and down. I told him I was going to strangle him with his own Ethernet cord.

This same dude in the same day also said his excel was acting up because when he closed the window, the box that asked him if he wanted to save didn’t pop up…. So he was losing all his work. Yes, you read that correctly, he didn’t know how to FILE > SAVE. All his life on every program he has been CLOSING the program and depending on the ‘do you want to save this’ option before closing. I wanted to kill him. I hate hardware problems and I’m a bad person because I don’t like stupid questions where if the questioner had put in the SMALLEST amount of effort, could have figured it out for themselves. I feel like a baby sitter and I’m not even babysitting kids I like. At the same time, when big huge hardware problems and I can’t solve them I feel helpless and lost and everyone needs me to know everything and fix it ALL RIGHT NOW.  It’s so much pressure for something I don’t even like doing. I really don’t think this was in my job description.

But what am I supposed to be doing with my life instead. That itch to go overseas is getting unbearable. All my friends seem to travel there and back with such ease it’s almost painful to watch. My penpal from China came to see me a few weeks ago and it was so nice. He brought me gifts and trinkets and told me all about transportation and the people. He said if I ever visited him he’d take great care of me and made sure I ate the best foods.

Dave’s (you remember, that lawyer I was bonkers about last summer who told me I wasn’t international enough to date him?) mother is visiting him here in the states. And Teida’s mother (Northern China) is coming next month and I want to meet her so badly just to see her and see what she brought with her culturally and physically. Eric Chen and his bride just got back from traveling Taiwan with the parent’s in law and took the most beautiful pictures. Even Hua was over there for a while. But I’ve been swimming in my Japanese lessons. In the car I listen to ‘drive time Japanese’ and I just learned to count to 100. I had a dream last night that someone told me how old they were and I translated it right away. When I get home I gobble the rosetta stone Japanese lessons.  Last night I spent 4 hours researching the course work and study abroad options for BYU MBA. I don’t really want an MBA… I mean, I do- and I’d love to take the classes and go back to a study schedule and steep myself back into the field I love so well, meet with like minds and work with bright youth and feel like I’m going somewhere again.

But I wonder if this craving will dissipate if I could just _go_. If I could just get over it and see it, get it out of my system and then I can settle down. Maybe my yellow fever would die down and I could find peace with myself that if I never worked in marketing again and I never had a set of beautiful dark-haired baby boys that I wouldn’t feel like I had failed. But I’m restless in this job. People say, “Just go!” but I can’t. It’s so expensive and I’d need some kind of guide or help or at least a translator to help me get around. I could go alone technically but it would be a lot more expensive and dangerous. And how will I ever save the money to do it anyway? I want at least ONE of these ventures I’m working on to come through and show success but all that seems far away.

Even if I were to start a master’s program, it wouldn’t be until Fall 2014. 2 years away until I gave away another 2 years of my life. I wouldn’t get to see that beautiful place until Jan 2015. By then, I hope my Japanese is shabby enough to use it but feel completely embarrassed about it.

It’s so far away from submitting this request to GIS.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Downside to Logic is you Lose.

I've figured out why women are so unreasonable when they fight. Because if they use their brains like I do and wait for an argument that I'm actually right about to fight, I always lose. Not because I'm wrong. But because the other person is never wrong. Tim for example is never wrong. Hua is never wrong. I'd lick the floor of a New York public restroom before I ever expected any concede from either of those two. Better to be a stupid hormonal girl and just pick random fights that have no reasoning or thought to them at all. That way I'll actually win once in a while.

"You hit me and it hurt!"
"Then you should learn to duck better!"


Dear boys,

I hate you right now. Stay away from me or I'll treat you like a pez dispenser.
