Monday, August 20, 2012

Zombie Dream

I had a long dream last night about the zombie apocalypse. It was pretty omni-present no matter what I was dreaming about. Including the end of the dream where all the zombies were decomposing enough that everything was turning back to normal and I found my ex. So now that it was safe, we ran to his old apartment where he lived when I first met him. And even though he was married, we kissed and joked about them never finding us, and it was a new beginning for us. But as we stepped outside, there she was- all the way from Florida with her mother, and my step-mother and sister. She was white for some reason. They invited us to dinner now that the apocalypse was over and we (my family and I) reluctantly accepted. And I had to drive downtown with her holding his hand and kissing his cheek and singing a song. She had a very pretty voice.

Stupid zombies.

Strange thing is, even though it was a zombie dream in the way that people come back from the dead, it was also a zombie dream to be remembering these people who should be long gone from my memory. I wish they'd stay dead sometimes but they keep coming back. All decayed and everything.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

food focus

I'm on a link kick this morning. I can't focus. I didn't eat much on Sunday or Monday and I was too grummpy to eat more than lunch and a few crackers on Tuesday. That might be the problem. Ironicly, I just wanted to save this link for myself because I remember almost all of these:

Thursday, August 2, 2012

i should have just gone to bed.

Totally ungrateful b**** moment:

My parents sent me a gift for my birthday so I waited 'til midnight to open it.

It's a book on 100 simple and stylish ways to fold napkins.